Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Time Slip At Stein Mart


Several years back one of my aunts shared the following experience with me and now I'm finally getting around to blogging about it. This story is a good one (at least to me), as it concerns time slips/glitches in the matrix, which are a personal favorite of mine.

The year was 2002, and my aunt was at a Stein Mart in Kansas City MO dress shopping with a friend for an upcoming wedding. Now, picking out just the right dress can be a real ordeal and in the chaos of it all my aunt somehow managed to misplace her keys. Leaving her friend in the dressing room with a large pile of clothes, my aunt ran out to check her car to see if she had accidently left them there (something she has a history of doing). Altogether it took maybe five minutes for her to check the car and re-enter the dressing room. Only, when she came back she found that something was...off. Her friend was gone, as were all the clothes. Not only that, but it appeared as if the entire work staff had changed. No one looked familiar. Not the customers, and certainly not the employees. Altogether it would seem that a great deal of time more than the estimated five minutes had elapsed. In fact, everything was so out of whack that my aunt went into full panic attack mode. She did eventually manage to compose herself enough to look for her friend, who my aunt eventually found clear on the other side of the store. When she found her, the friend seemed completely oblivious that anything was out of the ordinary. My aunt estimates that at least thirty minutes passed in what was certainly supposed to be only five.

 (BTW she did eventually find her keys, upstairs in the bathroom). 

So, did my aunt simply fail to gauge the time properly? I personally find it unlikely that someone would mistake a few minutes for a full half an hour but perhaps she really did just lose track of time. These things do happen. But maybe, just maybe, she took a small leap forward in time. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram!

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